A National Art Fair Run By Artists, For Artists

Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair

Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.

Chris Sav


Chris draws things, writes stuff, sings about vegetables and makes shrimp videos. He spent his years of unemployment between two degrees creating Disappointman, a superhero who battles his own anxiety. Disappointman found a home on the charity CALM’s (Campaign Against Living Miserably) website and now runs drawing workshops, helping others to create their own mental health related superheroes. He has facilitated these at The National Army Museum, The Royal College of Psychiatrists and Kew Palace, as well as talking and singing about things at the Southbank Centre and Green Man Festival. His song about mashed potato was inexplicably played on BBC 6 Music.


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