Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair
Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.

Art has been a passion since childhood for Jedidah. She has fond memories of mini art competitions with her dad at the age of 5. Being a wife and mother, Jedidah has been busy looking after her family and it is only since lockdown in 2020 that she found the time to fulfil her dream of becoming an artist and produce pieces that people can have in their homes to bring them joy and peace in this busy world.
Some of Jedidah’s pieces are on display at the Tiny Tasting Tea Rooms and Pura Vida in Exeter city centre as well as Cafe at 36 on Cowick Street. So if you would like a closer look at her art, please pop in.