Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair
Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.
Savčić Dunja was born 1982 in Belgrade.
She graduated painting from the Academy of Fine Arts where she later continued her MFA studies at drawing department.
During studying period she was exploring different artistic techniques and stiles. She was particularly interested in Japanese culture which she founds very important for her artistic development. In 2009 she finished specialization studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, on the Advertising & Media department, where she gained a professional title of a Specialist in Advertising and PR in Media.
Dunja continues her further artistic development exploring different cultures & traditions of the World applying her new experience into her work finding inspiration in her family and friends. From 2008 she’s a member of Serbian Association of Visual Artists - SAVA and she is in a status of independent artist.
She lives and works in London, UK.