A National Art Fair Run By Artists, For Artists

Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair

Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.

Sarah Plummer


Hey thanks for being here. I’m Sarah (Sarah Jane to my parents or SJ if I’m feeling particularly down with the kids.)

I have three fast growing up into adult children and am a full time plate spinner between working in the local primary school and running my own sports massage therapy business.

I studied art and design when I left school and could regularly be found in the darkroom mixing developing solution and playing around on the enlarger with photos of my friends. I loved having something physical that represented a moment with someone who I loved and that it was potentially a forever thing rather than a fleeting emotion. My love for the camera was properly sparked again during lockdown when I developed a fascination for space and astrophotography. (Perhaps because at that time I felt so trapped in my own space and needed the freedom to imagine beyond that.)

In 2022 the real fun began when I used my birthday money to buy a second hand Fujifilm X100T. I researched hard and was drawn to the film-like aesthetic that Fuji developed in their film simulation recipes. The freedom of adjusting the colours, tones and contrasts were right up my street and I spent that first summer driving backwards and forwards to the East Coast to capture the sunshine and colours. I recently wrote my car off and used the money to buy a better camera, X-T4, and a cheaper car and I couldn’t be happier about it.

My dream would be to ditch the conformist life, get myself a camper van and simplify life. Travelling to wherever, making just enough money to feed my coffee and biscuit habit through what I love the most- making pictures and capturing moments.

The photography community has been so kind to me in encouragement and support either technically or motivationally. My aim is to give something back and to engage and support others if I can. I’m always grateful to connect so if you have a question or would like to work with me, please do get in touch. Equally if you’d like to contribute to my camper van and biscuit fund I am working hard on presets to sell through the shop along with who knows what else along the way.



Art Fairs London