A National Art Fair Run By Artists, For Artists

Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair

Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.

Nirali Patel


Growing up, I always saw art as a luxury, only the ridiculously wealthy were fortunate to invest in. I struggled to resonate with art as I never believed it would have access to it. Years later, I grew up and was blessed to move into my own space. Over time, I got nice furniture and made my surroundings feel warm and comfortable, but something was still missing.

The walls were empty.

As a working adult, I realised now that I could actually invest in art. But what should I buy? Where should I buy it from? I wasn't sure where to look. Galleries were hard to access, and online art was pretty but lacked meaning for me.

How could I find art that I loved the look of and also inspired me with its story and purpose? As an Artist, I began searching for answers with very little luck.

I knew if I couldn't find it, I would have to create it. I've always been passionate about painting and was confident I'd create impactful and meaningful art that empowers change.



Art Fairs London