A National Art Fair Run By Artists, For Artists

Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair

Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.



Shem, b 1984, is a British-born self-taught contemporary abstract expressionist painter.
His painting style evolved out of his kinaesthetic brain, listening as his eyes processed the colours of life and blended them with his thoughts.He started creating images as a child, making comic books with his brother, Sahla.
His childhood images were born out of the need to make sense of an unconventional upbringing, including a sometimes difficult nomadic lifestyle in London. The highlight of his early childhood years was Rastafarian schooling in Tottenham, rich in sensory experience.This creation of images continued in secret until he self-staged his first solo show in disused premises in London in 2019.
Shem!s style has continued to develop as a "chaotic expressionist !also described by some as a journalist painter. In June 2020, he exhibited "We are in the Future!, a painted billboard in Old
Street, curated by Outside the Zone.
He had his first solo show, "When The Sun Falls Out The Sky!, at the Hoxton Gallery, Shoreditch, London, in November 2020. Without losing his sense of urgency, he has been working at a range of scales, including a whole wall on Dereham Place in Shoreditch. This was a collaboration with Mr
Doodle -"Rock Paper Wizards’. His second solo show, "Fine Art!, was held in South Kensington, London, in March 2022. Featuring a whole collection of work made across two studios in Dalston, Hackney.
Shem!s most recent works are new canvases, works on paper in a range of sizes, hand-painted chairs, and works on familiar and found objects. Shem!s first Asia show, "The Loser Wins!, opened
at Space Fountain gallery, Seoul in May 2023.
Shem!s work is in numerous private collections around the world from Seoul to San Francisco.



Art Fairs London