A National Art Fair Run By Artists, For Artists

Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair

Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.

Yvonne Coughlan


I am an abstract artist who works with mixed media, painting and print. I studied sculpture at Chelsea college of Art and moved to making wall based textural and abstract work in the subsequent years.
I live and work in East London .

My work reflects differing strands of interest. I am very interested in making work that resonates through colour and texture .My work process is often an organic process that resolves in the dialogue of materials and colour and my emotional response to this process. I am still very drawn to sculpture and see this play out in the surfaces that I create.
I am very influenced by different environments and landscapes and for me, the challenge is how I express this as a non representative and contemporary artist.


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Art Fairs London